Ranga Pens is amongst the one quality pen manufacturer in India. Infact they are the only manufacturer in India who have the premium colors and quality ebonite pens apart from regular ebonite and acrylic pens.
They have an active Ebay store where they sell not just fountain pens but also ball pens and Roller Ball pens and also raw materials like ebonite rods and acrylic blanks. The link to ebay shop is as below:
Also Peyton Pen Street is also authorized seller of Ranga Hand Made pens. Here is the link to the webpage: PEYTON
Mr. M.P. Kandan of Ranga Pens can also be reached at Fountain Pen Network, where he is quite active. Here is the link to reach him on FPN : MPKANDAN – RANGA
I have recently organized 3 group buys for three different model of thiers. Model 4C, Model 3 and Bamboo Model. And i have bought all three models through group buy. I will be reviewing all the models one by one.
They have following Models in their lineup:
Model 4C
Model 3
Model 4CS
Model 5
Model 6
Model 8
Model 2c
Model 2d
And few more.
This happens to be actually my second pen from the house of Ranga Pens and first one being Bamboo Model. Which i will be reviewing next.
The build quality of this pen is impeccable. Its very well polished and there is no marks at all i see on the pen. Believe me its an handmade pen and when you hold the pen in your hand you wont be able to judge whether it’s handmade or not. Such and excellent finish Mr. Kandan has given on this pen.
The quality of this premium ebonite is really really good. There are hardly any imperfections that you might otherwise find in regular color ebonites. The pen is quite sturdy and being ebonite it is more durable. The pen actually comes in approximately 24 color options out of which 10 are premium ebonite colors. The pen in review is premium orange ebonite which actually is muted earthy orange color.Model 4C – Uncapped
It really feel amazing in your hand. And its certainly a looker. People look at this pen and actually take it from my hands just to feel it of not write with it. Such is the charming factor of this premium color ebonite. And yes i have noticed that these premium ebonites are far superior over the regular ebonites.
Model 4C is actually a regular sized pen with bit of girth. It’s a cigar shaped pen which tapers down to the bottom and has rounded top and bottom. The cap is flushed with the barrel and you would hardly notice the joint. No imperfection. Superior attention paid to the product.Model 4C – Rounded Top and Bottom
Model 4C – Capped
Cap is flushed with the barrel
Model 4C – Uncapped
Barrel Tapers down to bottom
Cap Clip is strong and sturdy and pen can easily stick to the shirt pocket. I have one qualms which is very minor and that is gold trim which is clip will turn to chrome soon. But i have an option to replace the cap clip easily. Also i found that clip was not in alignment and was off centred when pen arrived , but again that was easily taken care off by unscrewing the cap finial and straightening the clip.Model 4C – Cap and Clip
Model 4C – Cap Finial View from top
The grip section of the pen gradually tapers slightly towards the top and is also made of the same material. Complete pen is made of ebonite.
I am really really happy with the top notch quality and finish on the pen.
Below are few images showing the comparison of the pen with other pens:Ranga Model 4C vs Jinhao 159 vs Oliver F27 vs Parker Frontier – Capped
Ranga Model 4C vs Jinhao 159 vs Oliver F27 vs Parker Frontier – Uncapped and Posted
Ranga Model 4C vs Jinhao 159 vs Oliver F27 vs Parker Frontier – Uncapped and Posted – Side View
Overall I am extremely happy with quality, built and finish of the pen. This is probably amongst the best pens from India.
Full marks to Ranga.
The pen measures 150 mm when capped and 135 mm when uncapped including the nib. The dia of the cap is 15 mm and barrel tapers down from center to the bottom to 9mm from 15 mm.
The average grip section dia is 10 mm and length is 30 mm.
As far as balance is concerned it is very well balanced and you would love writing with this pen uncapped for longer periods. However I beleive the posting cap makes it extremely large at 180mm (yes cap posts securely) and for me it becomes slightly uncomfortable.Model 4C – Writing Unposted
I love writing with this pen uncapped and unposted for longer periods.
My pen came with Dual Tone JoWo 1.5 Calligraphy stub and it writes amazing. has amazing line variation and is not at all scratchy. The pen has various nib options like JoWo (EF, F, M, B & 1.5) , Schmidt (F, M, & B) , Bock (F, M, & B – with Conklin imprinted) and Ambitious (F-M).
I am really happy with my JoWo 1.5 Stub. It writes superb.MODEL 4C – JoWo Nib Unit Top View
MODEL 4C – JoWo Nib Unit Side View
MODEL 4C – JoWo Nib Unit Bottom View
Ink filling mechanism is via Cartridge converter and the material being ebonite can be easily used as eyedropper.I prefer the flexibility of the pen to be used as eyedropper which lot of pens don’t give.Model 4C – Converter mechanism filling
Below are few images showing handwritten review and sample:Model 4C – Page 1
Thanx to Mr. Mehandiratta